The end of two spermatic ducts connect . . merge into the form of " y " and go into the urogenital openning 输精管末端略显膨大,相连,左右合并呈“y”型,开口于尿殖孔。
Each testis contains a main spermatic duct which locates in the cavity and runs lengthwise along the ventral side of the testis, connecting to the lumen of the testicular lobules 大眼鳜(sinipercaknerigarman)左右精巢完全分离,输精管位于精巢的腹侧凹沟内,有血管伴行。
It spend 20-21 months from spermatogonial proliferation to spermiation . during this period, sperm live through the winter by storing in lumens at the end of testicular lobular or spermatic duct 在此期间,成熟精子贮存在精巢小叶末端的管腔内或在输精管内越冬,贮存期为7-9个月。
Main products : veterinary metallic injector, veterinary continuous injector, veterinary plastic steel injector, ox earlabel, pigearlabel, goat ear label, ear label clippers and diverse veterinary scalpels, pig-purpose water dispenser, spermatic duct . etc . in a total of over 100 items for the broad masses of distributors and users to choose 主要产品:兽用金属注射器、兽用连续注射器、兽用塑钢注射器、牛耳标、猪耳标、羊标钳和各类兽用手术刀具、猪用饮水器、输精管等上百个品种任广大经销商和用户选购选用。